22 feb 2022

contact details
adamthwaite @ one-name.org
calling all
read our stories
Adamthwaite Archive
"The website IS the one-name study!"

Table of contents
Regular visitors to the site will have noticed changes to the general design and also to the navigation system. You will also find that any old bookmarks you may have set up will no longer work. However, all the old pages are still here; please use this Table of Contents to find the pages you are looking for.
Welcome & History - An introduction to the site, to the Adamthwaite One-name study and an invitation for all Adamthwaite researchers to join our Mailing List
The Adamthwaite One-name Study - why I set it up and what we hope to achieve
About One-name Studies - how they differ from ordinary Family History research
Colour coding system – an explanation of how the information was collected, how to use the data presented on the site to find out about your line of Adamthwaites, and the process used to reconstruct the ten family lines identified to date
Ten Adamthwaite lines – a summary of the origins of each of the ten lines
Name Index - use this page to find out which line your ancestors belong to and what sort of additional information we may hold about them on this website
Newsletters – links to copies of old Newsletters which were emailed to members of the mailing list
Reunion in Ravenstonedale - photos recording our 2009 Adamthwaite Reunion held in the village where the Adamthwaites originated before 1540
History of the Adamthwaites – a brief history of the Adamthwaites, including current thoughts on the origins of the surname and past variants
Earliest mentions – a transcript of relevant entries in the Pipe Rolls of Cumberland and Westmorland
Adamthwaite Farm - information about the isolated hamlet in the parish of Ravenstonedale where all our Adamthwaite lines seem to originate
Early occupants - details of the earliest inhabitants of Adamthwaite and also information about other places in the parish where later Adamthwaites were found living
Quakers and dissenters – a little about Quakers in Westmorland/West Riding of Yorkshire
Old maps – links to images of some early maps of the areas where the earliest known Adamthwaites lived, plus some links to more maps on rootsweb.com
Website design - some background about how the website evolved and a comments form you can use to tell us your opinions about the recent changes
Links to the data spreadsheets, which contain details of all known Adamthwaites and notes on viewing them (they are all presented as .pdf files for speed of uploading: there are links to the Adobe site on the Welcome page where you can download the latest free version of Adobe Reader)
BMDs in England and Wales – brief description of the information contained on the spreadsheets and links to the Birth, Marriage and Death pages
BMDs in USA and Canada – links to spreadsheets showing known BMDs in USA and Canada
BMDs in Aus and NZ – links to spreadsheets showing known BMDs in Australia and New Zealand
Census data – links to spreadsheets showing all Adamthwaite individuals found in all published censuses for England, Scotland and Wales (1841 – 1911); also links to spreadsheets for USA and Canada
Other Historical records - this page provides links to a small collection of documents about Adamthwaites; Manorial documents which mention Adamthwaites as well as various spreadsheets listing all Adamthwaites we have located in a range of other sources: historical directories, apprenticeship records, school records, subscription lists, Hearth Tax records, Tax records, Poll Books and Electoral Rolls, 1939 Register, Tithe Records and any other records apart from parish registers
Migration – brief explanation of how the migration data are presented, with links to relevant pages, plus links to spreadsheets showing all known Adamthwaites found on passenger lists to and from England and the rest of the world
Distribution data on migration – breakdown of the spread of Adamthwaites from their original locations in the North West of England across the British Isles and on to the New World
Distribution maps for the UK – maps showing the location of Adamthwaites by county for each of the census years
Why did they leave? - this is something I hope to discover, but if you can provide any ideas, please let me know!
Useful websites - some links to websites that I have found useful when researching Adamthwaites
Wills & Probate and other Documents
An introduction to the type of information held on the pages in this section
Adamthwaite wills – list of Adamthwaite Wills and Administrations currently held (mostly pre-1858), with links to transcriptions of all documents plus a few images of the actual documents
Probate calendar extracts – link to a pdf file listing all Wills and Administrations found in the Probate Calendar from 1858 through to 1943, with known details
Death duty records – details of all Adamthwaites found on the ‘Find My Past’ index to Death Duty records, plus transcriptions of all actual records found to date
Family Trees & the Adamthwaite DNA Project
An introduction to the family trees and also to the Adamthwaite DNA project
Sedbergh and Ravenstonedale Adamthwaites – a very speculative chart showing the possible linkages between the early Adamthwaites in Ravenstonedale and Sedbergh, constructed from Parish Records and information gleaned from Wills and Manorial documents
Adamthwaite DNA project – the reasons behind our decision to set up the project
DNA project design – project aims and objectives and a breakdown of lines of research
DNA how you can help – details of how you can get involved in the project, with links to charts showing DNA carriers for each of the lines where there are known to be living male descendants (current generations are not shown however)
DNA funding – how the project is funded and how to make a donation
DNA results – link to our webpage on the Family Tree DNA site and summary of results as they arrive
the Family Finder DNA test - information about how all Adamthwaite descendants can participate in our DNA project
DNA migration maps - showing the path followed by the earliest men in the two Haplogroups to which our yDNA testers belong, from Africa to Western Europe
Galleries of images contributed by members of the Adamthwaite mailing list, showing places where Adamthwaites lived in the past and also photos of our ancestors.
Around Ravenstonedale - with an illustrated Walk around Ravenstonedale
Around Sedbergh and Bowes, plus a view from Winder (this page seems to have got lost!)
1. Richard Greaves Adamthwaite - lithographic artist of Salford
2. Elopement scandal - the story of Thomas Garrett's elopement with Rev John Adamthwaite's niece
3. Emma Adamthwaite - whose sons fought in the American Civil War
4. Letters from home - written by a mother to her family far away in Australia
6. Reverend William Adamthwaite of West Stockwith - one of several OLIVE line vicars
7. Rhoda's story - life of a family in Leeds who belonged ot the VIOLET line
8. Adamthwaites in Uniform - details of all known Adamthwaites who have served in conflicts, with recollections of those times - we would like to receive more items for the 'Recollections' section
9. Adamthwaites in the Workhouse - details of the hard times for some YELLOW line members, plus details of all known Adamthwaites who lived and/or died in the workhouse
10. Tragedy, Bigamy and Intrigue - some shocking revelations about members of the ORANGE line of Adamthwaites (this article spreads over several pages!)
11. the Adamthwaites of Quambatook in Victoria, Australia - one branch of the OLIVE line
12. the Seven Reverends Adamthwaite - this article about the various Adamthwaite clergy (many of whom were involved in running boys' schools), was first published in the Cumbria FHS Journal
13. Leeanna's story - fond memories of a favourite great grandmother in the ORANGE line, including images of Military service papers for John Alexander Ridgeway ADAMTHWAITE
14. Mary's story - the life of Mary Adamthwaite - a much travelled member of the PINK line
15. Alf Adamthwaite - some recollections about Alf of Quambatook
16. William Mackever Adamthwaite - the life of an early VIOLET Adamthwaite; illustrated with many photographs of the area where he lived
17. John Smith - a Geneologist's nightmare? - the solution to a long standing puzzle about his marriage to both the widow AND the daughter of Rev Joseph Adamthwaite. This article includes a link to a publication with the recollections of a past pupil who attended the Cotherston Academy while the Smiths were in charge.
18. Rev John Adamthwaite of Winton - a possible scandal concerning this upstanding gentleman revealed by some puzzling bequests in his will and the lengthy time required to resolve his Death Duties
19. Maintenance of the Poor in Ravenstonedale - research into the Poor Law records reveals some interesting information about Adamthwaite involvement
20. Apropos this chair - the tale that this chair could probably tell about several generations of Bob's ancestors that sat on it!
Miscellany index - an index of all the individuals who appear in the articles in the Miscellany section
It is always lovely to hear from Adamthwaite descendants who are researching their family history, and I aim to respond as soon as possible to all communications. Please visit this page to find out how to ...