This article began life as just two pages on this website, but as I discovered more and more information, it grew to five pages. I have finally given up trying to fit it onto a reasonable number of web pages, so it is now an article in PDF format (much easier to update when I discover more!!
this photo was amongst a collection of photos and papers inherited by a descendant of Mark Adamthwaite ... but it was labelled 'William Adamthwaite and sister'. After reading more about this family, you'll get another chance to help us identify the people shown!!
The story includes the following chapters:
William Adamthwaite of Branthwaite (c1718 to 1786), his wife Deborah Allen and their children - Reverend John Adamthwaite DD, Thomas Adamthwaite, Public Notary, and his wife Lucy Vipond and Jane Adamthwaite who married the Rev John Turner
Thomas's elder son, William Vipond Adamthwaite (1793-1872), his wife (?) Isabella Rickerby and their daughters Lucy, Mary Isabella and Kate Ellen
Thomas's younger son, John Allen Adamthwaite (1795-1850), his wife Susan Anglin Bryan and their family
The nine children of John Allen and Susan Anglin (Bryan) Adamthwaite, most of whom came to a sorry end
Featuring the dastardly John Allen Adamthwaite junior - bigamist and philanderer
The mystery continues - James Theophilus Adamthwaite
Another bigamist in the family? Mark Adamthwaite - UPDATED with more information and photos of members of Mark's family - and I subsequently discovered even MORE about by favourite character, Mark!
If you can add any further information that may help to solve any of these mysteries, please contact me. I would be delighted to receive any information at all about the people mentioned in this story.
page updated 7 mar 2022

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adamthwaite @
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an Adamthwaite tale of Tragedy, Bigamy & Intrigue
by Sue Mastel, 2008 - updated 2009, 2010, 2016, 2022
Some of the most interesting Adamthwaites I have come across are to be found amongst the members of the ORANGE Adamthwaite/Vipond line. Sadly, until recently, we have only been aware of a very small number of direct living descendants of this line – most of whom live in the United States. But we have now made contact with a descendant of John Alexander Adamthwaite who has been able to throw more light on some of the mysteries around this family. (If, dear reader, you are also descended from a member of the ORANGE line and can provide any more letters, documents or photos, please contact me!) Just from the public records, it is clear that this line includes some fascinating characters.
Since discovering the many wills of the Sedbergh Adamthwaites, we have learned that in fact the ORANGE line is linked directly to the VIOLET line (see the family tree for the Sedbergh Adamthwaites).
Read more about some of the individuals in this line, and the things they got up to! And perhaps you can come up with some evidence to prove or disprove some of the theories or answer the many questions set out in the attached article.