I am relieved to tell you that after two months of not knowing where this website had disappeared to, despite numerous frustrating contacts with the customer helpline (who didn't know the answer either), it finally arrived in my Editing Dashboard on the new hosting company on 21 feb 2022! However, from initial checks, I found numerous errors:
all internal links were broken
all the family tree charts were missing
all the data spreadsheets were missing
in the Miscellany articles, and other information pages, ONLY the first page of each article has been transferred: as a quick fix I have added links to PDFs of the follow-on pages
all the copies of Wills etc. were missing
But the photo galleries are MUCH improved, which is great news!
It is now 22 March, and I have managed to make MOST of the above corrections, and have finally succeeded in adding all the family trees - though the only format that the software would accept was zipfiles. I will remove this message when I manage to complete all the editing, which has taken much longer than I originally anticipated!!
However, it is now the end of June and I still keep coming across broken links on some pages ... if YOU find any links that don't work (or more usually, take you back to this Home Page instead of the right page) please do email me to let me know where the broken link occurs so that I can put it right!
Welcome ...
Welcome to the Adamthwaite Archive, where you can access a range of resources to help you research your Adamthwaite ancestors - the information on the site was initially made available through the generosity of members of the Adamthwaite mailing list on rootsweb.com (now defunct) - together we have tried to link up all the branches of the family that are spread across the world, and to share the information that we have uncovered in our own research.
You might like to start your journey of discovery by reading about how our Adamthwaite One-name study began, or learn more about One-name Studies in general.
There is information about the colour coding system used to identify the ten different family lines reconstructed to date. To navigate around the site, just click on the section links above, or take a look at the Table of Contents to see what type of information is included in each of the sections.
There is also a whole section on the History of the Adamthwaites.
If you have Adamthwaites in YOUR ancestry and you want to discover where they fit in our ten lines, in the first instance, search the Master Name Index. If you have any difficulty finding them, please visit the Contact page to tell me their names, approximate dates, and place of residence of the most distant Adamthwaite (and their spouse!) I will be delighted to help you work out where you belong.

Adamthwaite Farm in Westmoreland, with Harter Fell beyond - this photo and the banner image were taken by Paula
If your surname is Adamthwaite, or if one of your ancestors was an Adamthwaite, please get in touch using the Contact Form and tell us how you are connected - I shall get back to you very soon. And who knows, you might have information that could solve a genealogical puzzle!
Can you help to further our knowledge about the origins of the Adamthwaites by participating in our DNA project at Family Tree DNA? Please read the project information and contact me if you would like to help in any way. If you have already taken a DNA test with a different company, find out how you can transfer your results to our project absolutely free.

The Adamthwaite surname has been registered with the Guild of One-Name Studies and I am proud that our website was awarded a Guild Award of Excellence.
IMPORTANT! I hope you will find some useful information on this site to help you research your Adamthwaite ancestry. However, I strongly advise against downloading entire spreadsheets as the contents are regularly updated and corrected. Images on this website remain the property of the Administrator of the Adamthwaite Archive. Please DO NOT reproduce any part of the site without first seeking permission.
Website update following transfer to new host: commenced 21 feb 2022
page updated 27 jun 2022
Details of recent updates to the site can be viewed here
Reunion in Ravenstonedale
Way back in 2009, we organised a trip to Ravenstonedale for as many members as could spare a day or two up in Cumbria. It was super to meet the real people who had helped so much with contributing stories and photos, and we had a guided tour around the village. Click here to read all about it and see the photos taken

contact details
adamthwaite @ one-name.org
calling all
read our stories
Adamthwaite Archive
"The website IS the one-name study!"

Have you been helped by the information on this site? If you would like to contribute to the cost of our DNA project, just £5 would help towards the cost of DNA kits!
There is a link to DONATE on our Group Project page at Family Tree DNA (see below)